February 9th 2025
Positions Points on Pension Mergers and RaidsClick here for more details. |
Lobby your legislatorLobbying tips click here. |
LEOFF 1 Firefighter's Widow Fights for Rights of Adopted ChildrenThe LEOFF 1 Coalition supports and will continue to fight for the rights of adopted children of disabled retired Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters to ensure that they receive the same benefits as children naturally born after retirement. Katharin S. Boreen is a member of the LEOFF 1 Coalition. Click here to watch her testimony. Click here to read the RCW definitions for "child" Click here to read her letter of appeal. |
Keep Track with What's Happening at the Capital!Washington State Wire - Click Here! The Olympian: Politics/Government - Click Here! The Seattle Times: Olympia Politics - Click Here! The News Tribune: Politics & Government - Click Here! The Columbian: Politics - Click Here! The Spokesman: Washington Politics - Click Here! ![]() |
Honorary Board Member Congressman Dave Reichert Retired Sheriff of King County Joins the Leoff1Coalition!Read his full biography here. |
Retired Teachers Thoughts on Pension Merger ArticleIt is important to point out that pension checks are not paid from the general fund. Each pay period, school employees contribute to their retirement accounts and the state makes a matching contribution. This money is invested over the course of an employee's career.Read more for more details. |
Retirement ContributionsClick Leoff1 or Teachers Retirement System (TRS) Plan 1 for more details. |
January 11, 2016 | First Day of Session |
February 5, 2016 | Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) in house of origin, except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees. |
February 9, 2016 | Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) from House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees in house of origin. |
February 17, 2016 | Last day to consider (pass) bills in house of origin (5 p.m.). |
February 26, 2016 | Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) from opposite house, except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees. |
February 29, 2016 | Last day to read in opposite house committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) from House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees. |
March 4, 2016* | Last day to consider (pass) opposite house bills (5 p.m.) (except initiatives and alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, differences between the houses, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session). |
March 10, 2016 | Last day allowed for regular session under state constitution. |
* After the 54th day, only initiatives, alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, matters that affect state revenue, messages pertaining to amendments, differences between the houses, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session may be considered. |

Legislative Affairs
2015 Leg Session
- When Will Session End?! - The 1st special session is Rumor has it that a 2nd special session Legislators are still working on the budget. The talk is that the 2nd special session will last until June 12th. Since the last revenue forecast, legislators have more money than was first expected. |
- April 2, 2015 UPDATE - ESB 5873 is still in appropriations Today the state House and Senate will vote on very different budget plans at the same time, The debate is likely to stretch into the evening. Then, many legislators will be taking off tonight to go home for an Easter break. They will return Monday to continue work on the State Budget. It is expected that the House Democrats’ budget to pass the House and the Senate Republicans’ budget to pass the Senate. After each budget passes, the House, the Senate, and the Governor's office will begin to negotiate a compromise budget. Regular session ends April 26. |
ESB 5873 - 2015-16 Amendment |
Senate Bill 5873 (SB 5873) is now referred to as |
ESB 5873 - 2015-16 UPDATE |
Click here to see how a bill becomes a law. |
Senate Bill 5873 UPDATE |
Senate Bill 5873 UPDATE |
Senate Bill 5873 |
Senate Bill 5873 has been sent to the floor of the senate and placed on the floor calendar for a second reading. Click here to see how a bill becomes a law. Right now SB 5873 is at step #5. |
LEOFF I Coalition Supports SB 5873 |
SB 5873 - 2015-16 Watch Testimonies for SB 5873 Here! Make a comment on the bill here! Permitting persons retired from the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system plan 1 to select a survivor benefit option. Sponsors: Senators Conway, Bailey, Schoesler, Kohl-Welles SB 5873 — Creates another opportunity for LEOFF 1 retirees to designate a survivor beneficiary. If enacted, this bill would create a one-time window for LEOFF 1 retirees who did not previously designate a post-retirement spouse as a survivor beneficiary, another opportunity to do so. To qualify, the member must have been married to that spouse for at least two years prior to September 1, 2015. Click here to read about SB 5873. SB 5873 will not cost the State of Washington anything. LEOFF I is fully funded. LEOFF I Coalition does not support any type of merger with any retirement plan including LEOFF 2. Please contact legislators in the Senate Ways & Means Committee and ask them to support SB 5873. Click here to contact committee members. If you have any questions, please call the LEOFF I Coalition office at 360-570-1035 or toll Free: 877-553-6631 |
Find Your State Representative, |
COLAs for LEOFF Plan 1
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2014 Leg Session
Remember to
Check Your LEOFF I Web Site Daily! |
Legislator Information! |
How a Bill Becomes a Law |
2013 Leg Session
Special SessionSpecial session started May 13 to June 12. SB 5916 passed through the Senate Ways and Means Committee, and is now in Rules. Click here to view Rules Committee members; you will find their names, emails and phone numbers listed. |
Senate Plays Risky Game with the BudgetClick here to read story. |
Special Session
Attention All Members!SB 5916 is a BAD BILL! |
LEOFF I Members, We need to protect our benefits NOW!!
LEOFF I In the NewsBelow are a list of articles that were recently published regarding the LEOFF I. Please note that this was all dealt with by the stake holders years ago.
Do Not Be Fooled! - A letter to our LegislatorsJanuary 18, 2013 Dear Senators and Representatives, (LEOFF 2 wants to merge with LEOFF I’s pension fund to have all the money from both pension systems). LEOFF I Coalition is a statewide organization with a great number of surviving beneficiaries. The mission of LEOFF I Coalition is to protect the integrity of LEOFF I law and retirement trust fund. This is an appeal to Washington State Legislators Please vote NO on merger bills, Merging plan 1 and plan 2 of the law enforcement officers’ and firefighters’ retirement system. Who are the LEOFF I members and why do they oppose the merger? LEOFF I members are older, retired law enforcement officers and fire fighters. As older citizens, many members struggle to cope with ailments and disabilities that have developed because of their many years of public service. As a result, they depend on their pension benefits to help keep them healthy and mobile. This hardship extends to both the cities and counties. Currently they cannot afford to maintain the public servants that we depend on so greatly. If merger bills pass, we will have even less resources to keep law enforcement and firefighters in your legislative district employed and protecting you. Simply put: Our financial security, community and personal safety depend on merger bills not passing! Please vote NO on merger bills. If any merger bills pass, the LEOFF 2 Board of Trustees would have control of all LEOFF I and LEOFF 2 pension money. If any mergers pass, you will be pitting active law enforcement officers and fire fighters against retired members. Please do not open this door. LEOFF I members want their pension responsibility to be governed by elected legislators. Handing power over to LEOFF 2 would be a conflict of interest. A promise made should be a promise kept! Protect our pension fund. Sincerely, |
We Saved our Pension For Another Year
We owe a debt of gratitude to the members of LEOFF I, family and friends. Thank you for all your emails, letter writing, and phone calls to stop SB 6563 and HB 2350 from passing this year. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.Mark Curtis, LEOFF I Coalition Lobbyist, LEOFF I Coalition Board 2013 Legislative Session:
Merging plan 1 and plan 2 of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, SB 6563, HB 2350., were introduced on April 11, 2012, the last day of the 2nd special session of the 2012 Legislative Session.The sponsors of these bad bills are listed below: Senator Ed Murray (D), Chair. Click here. Senator Lisa Brown (D). Click here. Senator Craig Pridemore (D) Click here. Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D) Click here. Senator Maralyn Chase (D) Click here. Senator Paull Shin (D) Click here. Senator Steve Conway (D) Click here. Senator Nick Harper (D) Click here. Senator Steve Hobbs (D) Click here. Representative Pat Sullivan (D) Click here. Representative Kevin Van De Wege (D) Click here. |
Seattle Times Editorial Board Opposes Merger: Washington's LEOFF 1 and 2 pension systems should remain separate
The Seattle Times Editorial Board opposes the proposal to merge the two police and fire pension plans, LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2. Click here to read more. |
SB 6563
Talking Points
Deadline expires at midnight, no budget deal in Olympia yet.
Posted on April 10, 2012 at 4:47 PM Updated today at 4:50 PM |
April 9, 2012
Status of Merger As of April 9, 2012 the LEOFF I Merger is not in the state budget. Governor Gregoire has been meeting with leadership and budget writers working out the last details, hoping to leave town by April 10, 2012 by midnight. Thank you for all of your hard work. — Mark Curtis |
SB 6563 Sponsors on this Bad Bill Are: Honorable Governor Christine Gregoire; |
Analysis of
HB 2350/SB 6563 — Proposed LEOFF Plan I and II Merger
(Please note that file is large. |
Call ALL Senators!
Ask your senators NOT to use our pension to balance the State budget! |
2012 Fiscal Notes - 6563 SB. LEOFF plans 1 and 2 merger — 02/06/2012
Dave Peery, Ret. Seattle Firefighter Pension Testimony SB 6563 -Feb 2012
How Will HB 2097 Impact YOU? — By Attorney Joe Fischnaller - 2012
J.E. Fischnaller Analysis of House Bill 2350 - 2012
LEOFF I Citizen Lobby Talking Points
Watch for Bad Legislature Bills —Check Often!
Click here to read
Lieutenant Governor, Office of
Legislature Customer Service Center
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Need Your Support! |
Contact your own elected senators and representatives. You can find phone numbers, addresses and e-mail at: www.leg.wa.gov (Washington State Legislature Home Page) |